Fresh Start

Cream and blush carnations with our Simply Curated Peony + Salt candle.

Cream and blush carnations with our Simply Curated Peony + Salt candle.

Hello 2019!

This will be a year of rededication. I started this journey back in 2008. There were a number of fits and starts due to life changes. Most recently, I’ve become a mother and priorities have definitely shifted, There is a renewed focus on sharing my perspective and achieving goals I’ve had for myself for years.

This space will showcase my love for all things home + gardening + entertaining, while giving you the opportunity to participate in the conversation and purchase some of the thinks that speak to you from our store. We offer a curated mix of home and gift items currently — stationery, candles, soaps — and we’ll keep you posted as we expand our inventory.

Thanks for joining me in this next adventure!